"now you can be prolife but being against abortion is just ignorance for the following reasons
it doesnt matter what you think jessica. your argument is baseless. you think its already alive and i think not. Youthink its murder and I think not. people who want to tell other people's rights for them are cruel. we will never understand them and the reason they have chose to do abortion and yet people talk big and think they understand other people's lives, thus saying abortion is cruel. some people do abortion because they were raped andnoone wants to give birth to a kid whose father was a rapist. they have already suffered enough and you want them to suffer more? some people do abortion because their own health is in danger and yet you are ok with them dying than a life that in my and many others out there, is not a life yet. That person could be a mother of some other kids and you are ok with her dying? also, condoms are not 100% affective and having more children could really make a family suffer in the long run. noone wants their kids to experience horrible lives.
Human persons have rights that an embryo or fetus does not have until its personhood can be established. For various reasons, the personhood of a fetus is generally understood to commence between 22 and 24 weeks. This is the point at which the neocortex develops, and it is also the earliest known point of viability--the point at which a fetus can be taken from the womb and, given the proper medical care, still have a meaningful chance of long-term survival. The government has a legitimate interest in protecting the potential rights of the fetus, but the fetus itself does not have rights prior to the viability threshold. Therefore, until the fetus is old enough to have rights of its own, the woman's decision to have an abortion takes precedence over the interests of the fetus.ALSO read the 9thand 14th amendment to understand women's right on this issue. also, The Fourth Amendment, for example, specifies that citizens have "the right to be secure in their persons"; the Thirteenth specifies that "{n}either slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist in the United States."
ALSO women have the right to choose to have a child or not. A child may ruin a woman's career or her daily life. Of course, some women don't have the time to take care of a child. Sometimes the woman is not ready for a child yet. In other words, they may be still going more for their education. In addition, having a child means being more involved in the child's life, and some women don't have time for that. Instead, they may want more time for themselves.
there is also a problem with over population, having 1.3 million abortion IN US ONLY each year. Today the government loves to blame the poor for how the country is suffering economically. the poor doesnt get the education, they dont have enough money and they do not have health care. so you are ok with them being born and live those types of life? hey, if a mother knows she cant take care of it, why dont YOU ADOPT IT and take care of it. But im sure you wont, now will you? So rather than saying no abortion, why dont you give people a reason and support to have a baby so they know the baby will have a safe future.
look at teenage pregnancy, because of child birth many people cannot have the education they need because they need to take care of babies. and they are too young to do so.
rather saying no to abortion, teach people about safer sex so they do noT get pregnant and invest in medicines that would help the issue. In short, abortion is legal for two reasons: Because women have the right to make decisions about their own reproductive systems, and because they have the power to exercise that right regardless of government policy.
IF ABORTION WASNT LEGAL, ILLEGAL ABORTION WOULD TAKE PLACE and more women would be at risk and the child itself as well.
if you dont wanna do abortion, then simply dont do it. noone is forcing you. but dont tell others what they should do unless you are ready to share the suffering."
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