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We were born more fortunate than millions of people. Don't forget that and Don't forget them

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Friend's Dream

A Dream my friend shared with me

"So I had the strangest dream the other night. I dreamed that this young hispanic mother suddenly began performing miracles like Jesus Christ and that a bunch of people started following her and pressuring her in all sorts of directions and she was scared and confused, until this college age very politically active Muslim guy and his girlfriend (who totally looked like you - even the guys girlfriend looked like your girlfriend) helped her out. Other stuff happened and I remember there being a very epic plot arc, but I can't remember most of the details anymore. All I remember is that it was very politically motivated, but through it all, despite all the crazy things that happened, none one of them ended up being influenced into changing their faiths, and apparently that was "the beauty of it all".

Now I have NO idea what that all means but I thought you would find it very interesting.

Also the eyes on your profile freak me out. They look like they're judging me whenever I post something to you."

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