My photo
We were born more fortunate than millions of people. Don't forget that and Don't forget them

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Actually, My Real New Year Resolution

New Year resolution is silly to me. If you are not on the right path already, the change of a new year won't happen. It is just another day, just a different number.

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolution

1) Do more acts of charity
2) Do more donating
3) Raise More Awareness

Let us make 2012 the year of loving and sharing

My Xmas Wish

May God grant the wishes of unfortunate before any of us more fortunate people

What did YOU Pray For?

27000 children will die of starvation today.
Now tell me, why should God answer your prayers? 

Monday, December 26, 2011

The undertaker

The Undertaker represents a source of social anxiety, like economic problems or wars. The bum represents the frowned upon in society (Atheists, Muslims, etc.) The church people are society and the pastor is the government. The gov blames the anxiety on the frowned upon and calls for their persecution, but they all find out too late that it didn't stop the anxiety and it leads to chaos, as even though the bum was killed the Undertaker remained.


You can wake a person who is asleep, but you cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Death is like transferring schools. You hate to say goodbye to your precious people here, but after you move, you will meet some great people on the other side.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who belongs to heaven?

Al Ma'un 107:1-7 Quran

"Do you know the one who denies the [day of'] judgement? It is he who pushes the orphan away, and urges not to feed the needy. Woe, then unto those praying ones, who are needless of their prayers, who want to be seen and praised, and refuse [to give] even little things in charity."

Hebrew 13:2

Hebrew 13:2

"Do not forget to entertain strangers. For by so doing, some people have entertained angels without knowing it"

Why not just leave?

A man once approached a wise man and asked: "hey, if you hate America so much, why don't you just leave?"

Wise man replied: "What, just to become a victim of US foreign policy?"

Barack Obama told US on 14 Dec. 2011, "The United States military is the finest fighting force in the history of the planet." What he did not say is that since 1945 US military has been directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people (mostly civilians) and that America has in that time overthrown 40 governments , including democracies and intervened in at least 30 more.

!945 Japan: Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 200000 killed
1950-53: korea 3 million killed
1964-1975: Vietnam 3 million killed
1969-1975: Cambodia 800000 killed
1965-73: Laos 350000 killed
1965-66: Grenada 49 killed
1983: panama 5000 killed
1990-1: Iraq 100000 killed
1999: Yugoslavia 2000 killed
2001-: Afghanistan unknown-30000 estimated
2003-:Iraq one million killed
2004-: pakistan unknown how many killed
2011: Lybia Unknown how many killed

What type of Lesson will you leave behind?

Change for a Dollar $

Hebrew 13:2
Do not forget to entertain strangers. For by so doing, Some people have entertained angels without knowing it


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One Day

One Day? Why not Today
My Dear Friends, I already live this way. Why shouldn't you?

Monday, December 19, 2011


Religion is just a man made organization with books written by men claiming they are the words of God. Now I hope this answers your question of why I do not follow religions. However, I follow God and my relationship with him is personal.

I hope you will live your life in a moral way, not only for yourself and for others. i hope you will put yourself in other people's shoes and see how far and difficult it is to walk the path they have been given. I hope Morality wins over what a books tells you to do. We are humans afterall, not robots

Accepting Jesus

If accepting Jesus is the only key for going to Heaven, then I wouldn't mind spending my time in hell with Gandhi, Malcolm X, Einstein, and other important figures I respect.

But I hope religion is wrong....No let me rephrase, I KNOW RELIGION IS WRONG, or at least the way it has been translated to us

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Zeitgeist 2011

Beautiful Video

Take a Look

Look at your bed, does it feel comfortable? Look at your room, does it feel warm? Look at your fridge, does it look filling? Now imagine the people in poverty and then take a look at your soul, does it satisfy you?

Matthew 19:23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:24 Again I tell you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Never call someone "ugly." The truth is they are beautiful in many people's eyes.  In reality, they are just not your type. But take a moment and think a little. You probably cover yourself in some sort of makeup. It causes self awareness. Now try to imagine what you look like without anything on and then think of the word "ugly" again

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dennis Ritchie anyone?

Without Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) we would have:
No iProducts
No over expensive laptops

Without Dennis Ritchie (September 9, 1941 – October 12, 2011) we would have:
No Windows
No Unix
No C
No Programs
A large setback in computing
No Generic-text Languages.
We would all read in Binary..

They died in the same year and the same month but it seems only few notice the death of Dennis Ritchie compared to Steve Jobs.

Learn about both and then reflect. 

Billy Withers, The Champ

Dear Religious People

Dear Religious People,

Please in your statuses on Facebook or anywhere , stop writing about how much Jesus, Mohammed, or whoever loved us and actually start writing about the moral values they represented. People already know the names, but they have long forgotten the moral values.

Sincerely, Anti Bullshitter

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas are:

1) People who are sick to be healed
2) Children with no families get adopted
3) Noone has to worry about food and/or shelter
4) and people to start giving a fuck about one another

Monday, November 28, 2011

an Act of Kindness

When you help thepoor, they look at you as a Saint. When you question why people/government is not helping the poor, they will say you're a communist

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Problem with Prayer

My problem with prayer is that in today's society, some people just say a few words of prayer and then move on with their lives as if there is nothing they can do. They forget there are ways they can help such as through charity, volunteering, raising awareness and so on.

Sometimes I just want to shout,

God is not the answer. God is the Judge

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do It Anyway

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We are Nature

We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.

Dear Rich People,

God may have blessed you with money, but he tests you on how you use it. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

A child at Heart

What happened to all the kids who wanted to grow up to be like gandhi? Why do people say that once you grow up, you tend to become greedy and only care about yourselves? if growing up makes me lose my morals, then i will stay a child at heart forever.

Remember Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

If we were born in God's image

If you are religious and racist, then you are a hypocrite. Remember we were all created in God's image. Do not hate one another because of such minor differences

Saturday, November 5, 2011

People Vs Things

People were meant to be loved and things were created to be used. But the problem in today's society is that People are being used and things are being loved

Thursday, October 27, 2011


i love how many religious people tend to not follow their religion fully but love to quote their religious books when it comes to discrimination against something like homosexuality. If you are going to be religious, THEN DONT BE A FAN OF IT, BE A FOLLOWER. Dont forget that in religion it also talks about not judging, helping, not being greedy, sharing the wealth, helping the poor, elderly, everyone, and so on. Do Not Be Hypocritical

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why Do We Exist?

I lay on my bed in this moonlit hour while the street is lighted with half naked bodies, from head to toe bruised by poverty.
I found my source of warmth in my mom and dad while some children made their fervent prayers to spiritless bodies.
I dress in clean clothing while millions of children have pain and misery as their makeup set.
Hundreds of different cuisines set in my stomach as i watch a rag picker scrounging for rotten cabbages in the garbage, silent except for his wails of hunger.
i run and sprint like any vibrant child but some defective/disabled children were never given the same ladder to reach the sky.
hence, dont look up to someone and weep and curse. We the capable, willing but failing to help the poverty souls.

You the People

in the 17th chapter of Saint Luke it is written : "the kingdom of God is within Men." not just one man nor a group of men but all men. It is the people that have the power to create happiness and create a peaceful, a beautiful world. A world worth of adventure, a world of reason.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dont Fool Yourself

God is not here for you in this life. When you fall off the cliff, he is not there to catch you. but once you land the bottom of the cliff, he may give you the wings to fly

Monday, July 18, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wrong God

IF your religions are right, then I will believe in the wrong God till eternity

Sunday, July 10, 2011


The reason i respect some Atheists is because they see Earth as the heaven promised in the Religion Books. They do not look to the sky for a better future waiting, they work for a better future awaiting future generation. Earth itself could be heaven


A person once said:

"Never judge a person by what other people have told you. The person maybe gentle with you but harsh with others. The same sun which melts ice also hardens clay"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

And Everyone Said to Them....

Vincent Van Gogh. Everyone said to him, "you can't be a great painter, you only have one ear." and you know what he said? "I cant hear you."

Ray Charles. Everyone said to him. "you cant be a great pianist, you are blind." And you know what he said? "I dont see your point"

Helen Keller, Everyone said to her, "you cant be a great writer, you are deaf, dumb, and blind." and you know what she said? Nothing

Don't let others affect your Goal

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What i really want

Read an interesting story and just want to share it here.

when i was 6 year old i wanted to be a cop. I enjoyed playing the cop and theif game and i always wanted to be one. When i was around 9 or 10. I wanted to be a Pilot and travel the world. I wanted to see people from all around the world and become friends with them. When i was 13, i wanted to be a scientists since I was very interested in making some special drink that heals all diseases. I never wanted to see anyone to be passed away from an illness. As i went to high school, i wanted to become a professional soccer player and join AC Milan. After i grew older, i realized the importance of money and wanted to join a very good company with a good pay as its spokesperson. I shared all these stories with my Father and Mother. they always laughed and encouraged me. they never judged any of my decisions and just smiled while I enthusiastically talked about my future dreams.  But after they go away to another world, i know what i will really want in my life. I will want to be a 6 years old again and share all my stories with my mom and dad. I will want them to be there so i can see the 2 smiling lips i will never grow tired to see.

Happy Father's Day

What people forget

WHAT WOULD JESUS NOT DO? Be racist. Beat homosexuals. Picket their funerals. shoot doctors, shoot anyone, join a militia, run a network,  run for president, burn a cross, burn any book (esp a holy one), hate his enemies, attack the poor, side with the rich, put his name on merchandise, spread hateful false messages on news, not love everyone EQUALLY. Dear people, remember these

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Story of Oyster and the Pearl

NEVER wish death on anyone because you be wrong if you ever think people have not wished death on your loved ones at one point of their lives. Wishing someone death will never make some one die but the hatred and animosity that generates such a wish could kill you faster.
‎"i mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but i will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - martin luther king jr.

The oyster gets an irritation and instead of getting rid of it, the oyster just makes a pearl. We should try and do the same thing and turn our irritations in life into something positive like the oyster does

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

For Everything There is a Value

Sad Fact

the reason atheists exist is not only  because the Idea of God's existence is hard to grab, its because of fight religious people are having among themselves for example, Christians tend to disagree what Bible truly meant to say and then disrespect one another's beliefs. If you cant even agree on your own book, why should other people follow you? unfortunately i think at times more people would follow Jesus if it werent for christians

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes

People tend to judge a homeless for drinking alcohol. I cant even imagine the stress they are going through and i see tones of those judgmental peeps getting wasted after just a lil stress. 

LESSON: Dont Judge

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Social Class Level

The poor cannot stop complaining as long as the rich remains arrogant

The Blind

One day, I saw a blind person, talking to a girl. After their conversation was over, he stopped smiling and I could feel his sadness. I asked him what was wrong and he told me about his crush on that girl.

Now think about this for a second: "Is it the blind that cannot see the girl or the girl that cannot see the blind?"

The Blind connects not with his eyes, but with his heart. Return the favor

Appreciation Comes After Misery

The shiniest stars appear in the darkest nights....
Only in true darkness, things look more beautiful

Relationship Priority

In my relationship life, I discovered that there are 2 types of people in a relationship,

1) One that would do anything to be with the other person
2) And other that would sacrifice being with their one to pursue their dreams

Who is to Blame?

I used to be the shy, naive person who searched for my only... I used to hate players, i believed they were the worst. then after getting hurt I realized, sometimes when a person gives their entire heart to the person they "love", they can become heartless after that person goes away... 

In conclusion: There is noone to blame when one gets hurt. I have learned that pain takes a long time to go away, loving someone doesnt mean they will love you back, and that the only thing people should concentrate on is to become a person who can be loved because only then people can see the treasure in their lost hope and only then even the broken heart of a player can be fixed...

Faith at War

The difference between fighting with the name of religion and people who dont is that people whom fight with the name of religion believe their faith keeps the sword clean and cant see the blood on the sword they cut people with.

Their faith has blinded them

What does your day Look Like?

Whenever you see a blind person, dont hesitate to help. It could be a beautiful day and they cant see it.
 At least make them feel it

Value Life

Sometimes I wish I could smile just like them living in the worst conditions.
I sometimes regret being alive but these people remind me that ,

Birth and Death,
Is better than no Birth at all